Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Idolatry of Fellowship

We have wonderful fellowship at our church! It is such a blessing to be among the saints and to share their trials and joys and to know that they are sharing mine. But our pastor has rightly admonished us not to idolize that fellowship.
What does it mean to idolize fellowship? Well the purpose of the worship service is to WORSHIP, not to fellowship. So if you are going to church for what your sisters and brothers in the Lord can do for you, you probably are not going for the right reason. Does that mean it is wrong to enjoy the fellowship of the saints? Of course not! I love my church family. They truly understand the joys and the griefs that I bear.
But when I think of worship I must always put the focus on the Lord, not on myself. And I must be thankful to Him for the mercy of giving me that fellowship.
Till next time....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tales From School

High School:
A high school student was reading aloud from a passage in American History. This is what the student said, "Der Martin Luther King". The teacher asked the student what he said. The student repeated the passage again. What was the student looking at? Dr. Martin Luther King.

Another student was filling out paperwork in the same classroom. The paper was a standard application and there was a line for the student's name and after that line there was a choice between Junior or Senior; as in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. One of the students, a female, marked the space for Junior. When the teacher asked her why she had marked it she replied that she would be a junior next year.......

A third student was checking out a book from the library. The librarian told her that the book would be due March 17th. The student looked at the librarian and said, "March 17th; isn't that April Fool's Day?"

An elementary student was working on a packet for library skills class. She asked, "What is no dot six?" The librarian, thinking she had heard wrong said, "What?" The student repeated her question. The librarian asked to look at the question the student was looking for. This was the question: In the encyclopedia index, look up the answer you gave for No. 6. In which volume of the encyclopedia will you find information for that answer?
The librarian explained the the student that that abbreviation was for number 6. The next day the same student came to the librarian and told her that she couldn't find number 6 in the index. The librarian asked the student to bring the index to her so that she could help with the question. When the student brought the index to the librarian, she discovered that the student was looking for "number six" in the encyclopedia index!

Till next time...